Introducing our New Look for our 5th Anniversary started as a single list focused on the top Discord Bots. Now, almost 5 years later, we have become the discovery layer for Discord communities and integrations. started as a single list focused on the top Discord Bots. Now, almost 5 years later, we have become the discovery layer for Discord communities and integrations, helping millions of people all over the world navigate millions of Discord Bots and Discord Servers. is used to bring people together and has become a vital part of navigating Discord and hopefully, in the near future, the metaverse.
Today we’re updating our company branding to align with our new mission and vision. Our mission is to make the metaverse accessible and our vision is to be the #1 platform for communities to be discovered by empowering them and accelerating their growth.

Our old logo has been with us since the beginning of for almost 5 years. While it embraced the original idea of bringing chat bots into Discord, it no longer portrayed our current product offerings and mission and vision. Specifically, it did not capture how we brought people together and built community within servers nor was it inclusive of places in the metaverse we want to expand to, beyond Discord bots. In our new logo, we’ve simplified its shape, making it more universal.
With the new site design launch at the end of September 2021, we’ve received tremendous positive feedback from our community - not only regarding user experience improvements, but also for bugs being resolved, as well as the modernised feel of in terms of its palette. In the redesign, we introduced the ability to customise the gradient and theme in all the colors of the rainbow, choosing vibrant hues and removing the washed out blurple, exhibiting the progression of We connected with our community to gather and implement their feedback - which ultimately guided us on accessibility and style.

Our new branding is a way to better communicate our mission and vision to the people and businesses who use to discover new communities and integrations and grow the ones they have created. No matter where we expand in the metaverse, or what future direction we take to empower communities and their integrations and make them more accessible, this will be more universal.
Over the next few weeks, you’ll find us realigning our visuals on in this direction to improve our consistency and recognition.